Comment 7 for bug 299112

Revision history for this message
volkris (volkris) wrote :

Sebastien, I found your "don't blame the volunteers!" reply personally insulting and, more importantly, inappropriate and unhelpful for the present bug. Was that supposed to be PR?

We bring up the "how did this get through" not to blame, obviously, but to highlight the severity of the bug: this is no annoying quirk or minor regression; this bug makes Ubuntu's VNC implementation immediately and completely unusable if there is a standard residential internet connection involved. Any testing under residential conditions should have shown it immediately.

But since we've crossed that bridge, I will say this: if you can't properly test an update--whether because you don't have the resources, man hours, infrastructure, or whatever--you're still on the hook for the results. If you can't sufficiently test then I suggest you don't release. The regressions in the past few versions of Ubuntu are staggering, disastrous even, and no excuses change that fact.

So yeah: blame the volunteers if that's where the blame lies. They may be overworked and faced with an impossible task, but that doesn't somehow absolve them of the blame. That's life in the real world.