Comment 9 for bug 837882

Revision history for this message
Leyli Cecil (leycec-3) wrote :

I fully agree with Garnet. Vim's current package nomenclature is counter-intuitive, counter-productive, and arguably constitutes a bug. While there do exist use cases for a headless Ubuntu, I'd contend that those are largely edge use cases. For Ubuntu and like-minded GUI-centric Linux distros (e.g., Mint), non-headless desktop, laptop, and touch devices predominate.

Given that, the average user has every expectation of a package named "vim" installing a fully featured CLI-specific version of Vim supporting the average working environment: the X11-based desktop metaphor, complete with clipboard and mouse integration. Since this is currently not the case, the current "vim" package should ideally be renamed as Garnet suggests (e.g., to "vim-console") and a new "vim" package providing a fully featured CLI-specific version of Vim instated in its place.

Thanks for your continued efforts, Ubuntu developers. It's gratefully appreciated.