Comment 4 for bug 44269

Revision history for this message
Colin Watson (cjwatson) wrote :

I'm afraid I think this is precisely the kind of proposed update that doesn't qualify for a UVF exception. It's a big new feature release with substantial amounts of new code that will need to be tested and may well contain new bugs. Dapper is better off with the more stable, albeit older version.

I don't think this has the same concerns as Firefox at all. Firefox is exposed to all sorts of interesting vulnerabilities from the Internet whose security patches are extraordinarily difficult to backport; for that reason we tend to make grudging exceptions for it even relatively late in the release cycle. Vim doesn't remotely fall into the same category.

I'm looking forward to things like undo branches as much as any other Vim user, and the improved Unicode support will probably help me out a lot when working with .po files, but these improvements can wait until Edgy.