Comment 22 for bug 8177

Revision history for this message
epeeist04 (epeeist01) wrote :

I had perhaps a similar problem. AMD64 GeForce7300 working fine in Gutsy broke on upgrade to Hardy. Could only get 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions. Now, before I knew what was wrong I tried many many things, so perhaps several variables were in play here, but in the end the way I fixed it was commenting out the "Device" and "Monitor" sections from my /etc/X11/xorg.conf. They were just dummy sections anyway:

#Section "Device"
# Identifier "Configured Video Device"

#Section "Monitor"
# Identifier "Configured Monitor"

After I did this, it seems that Hardy looked for the EDID info, found everything fine and I was on my way. But for some reason, during the upgrade it may have added those sections (or they got added in my post-install flailing to fix the problem).