Comment 7 for bug 2043823

Revision history for this message
Philip M (pmilosla) wrote :

This is a very old and very heavily in use application. Think interpreted language. There are many developers. There is something ubuntu 22 specific that doesn't happen on RH 9 going on with shared memory. I did fix (they were not the cause of any issue) those 2 places temporarily and I am still getting this.

Attached is a clean run without valgrind errors that still gets the shared memory attachment message when run through valgrind.

pmilosla@pmilosla-ubuntu22:mgr> grep memory valgrind_log_226662.txt
==226662== Memcheck, a memory error detector
pmilosla@pmilosla-ubuntu22:mgr> sudo valgrind --verbose --tool=memcheck --log-file=valgrind_log_%p.txt --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ../bin/irisdb -s.
Unexpected error occurred attempting to attach to shared memory.
pmilosla@pmilosla-ubuntu22:mgr> sudo ../bin/irisdb -s.

Node: pmilosla-ubuntu22, Instance: LATEST
