Comment 38 for bug 432215

Revision history for this message
André Barmasse (barmassus) wrote :

Today I upgrade to the Lucid Lynx release candidate and I was very happy to see that the problem with the spaces in the mounted M-IDentity usb stick are gone. Great work, Ubuntu team! Therefore the following bugs can be closed:

On the smelly side of it I was rather not surprised that Kobil's M-IDentity software does not start up at all - again!! So I edited /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules as described on the website of Migrosbank for Ubuntu 9.10 ( and changed the value of the usb subsystem from 664 to 666.

After rebooting the computer nothing happens - except for the same old crappy error message saying that there is a problem with access rights on the usb device.

Then I found a tip from Stephan Schwerzmann from november 2008 (, saying that you should not change the rules directly in /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules, but create a separate udev rule for the M-IDentity device. A very good point! He proposed to create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/45-midentity-permissions.rules and put the following content in it:

SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{vendor}=="KOBIL", ATTR{model}=="mIDentity", GROUP="plugdev"

After rebooting the computer nothing happens - except for the same old crappy error message saying that there is a problem with access rights on the usb device.

Therefore, I gave the well explained workaround of GM_Ubuntu (see above) a shot. I had my concerns that putting a personal udev rule into /etc/udev/user.rules is really the right way in Lucid Lynx? But I tried it that way and also with putting it under /lib/udev/ and /lib/udev/rules.d/. The content of the file user.rules was the following:

BUS!="usb", ACTION!="add", SUBSYSTEM!="usb_device", GOTO="user_rules_end"
SYSFS{idVendor}=="0d46", SYSFS{idProduct}=="4081", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"

After rebooting the computer nothing happens - except for the same old crappy error message saying that there is a problem with access rights on the usb device.

Finally, I thought that at least at Kobil's website there should be solution for this problem. There is a FAQ for the M-IDentity device, where you can read that "KOBIL mIDentity supports Windows 2000 (min. Service Pack 3), Windows XP (min. Service Pack 1) and Windows 2003 Server (since Version 1.1.4)" ( and a PDF in German that offers solution approaches if the software does not start under Windows XP and Windows Vista ( As a linux user you start to get the feeling that the linux help offered by Kobil is rather FUCK that FAQ.

But, isn't there something written about linux support in the front page advertisement of the great Kobil M-IDentity device? Of course!! There it is: "User-friendliness and security are the principal concerns of KOBIL. The user simply inserts the mIDentity into the USB port of any Windows, Mac or Linux computer and no more is required. The user can, for example, immediately access an online banking account without having to install any software or drivers. Moreover, the on-board application starts automatically instead of being executed manually. Real Plug & Play solutions. See for yourself and let KOBIL technology change your way of working." (

And no more is required? Damn!! If you have to make half an hour of finger acrobatics to get the right informations about your stick, write your own configuration file, create folders, mount and unmount, than this peace of hardware should be banned and kept off of all users ...