Comment 15 for bug 12393

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Suzan (suzan72) wrote :

> Gustavo, that's what you should do on your computer, too. Just replace "auto"
> with "vfat".

Hello guys! Time for a woman to reply... ;-)

Well, i see this is a relative old bug - but it's still there in breezy!

Mounting a floppy doesn't work. So i tried to change the floppy-line in the
fstab. I wrote

/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 vfat rw,user,noauto 0 0

but it does't work! I tried it with

/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 vfat umask=000 0 0

an i have no success!

I must confess, i didn't realize this bug very lately, because i don't use
floppys normally. But some users in the german forum are very annoyed about this
bug. An yes, this is a litte thing, which shocked new users. Ubuntu isn't be
able to mount simple floppys? :-(

Breezy is so cool, but this bug is so annoying! Anyone suggetions to fix this?