Comment 2 for bug 62922

Revision history for this message
Rich Johnson (nixternal) wrote :

Kubuntu fix via command line, and Ubuntu and the rest should be similar:

##For /usr/lib/usplash link, do....
sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/ /usr/lib/usplash/

##For /etc/alternatives usplash link do.....
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/usplash/ /etc/alternatives/

##Make sure usplash resolution is correct
sudo nano /etc/usplash.conf

should look like

# Usplash configuration file

Once you have done all of that, then at the command line, do...

sudo update-initramfs -u

Then reboot and you should be enjoying your new usplash ;) Check the file names, as the kubuntu theme is for kubuntu and so forth