Comment 46 for bug 188764

Revision history for this message
Pete Stephenson (heypete) wrote :


In response to your above comment, I am experiencing the same problem as Åskar with the Hardy release candidate.

I did follow your directions ("sudo rm /etc/usplash.conf && sudo aptitude reinstall usplash"), which resulted in my /etc/usplash.conf changing to the following:

# Usplash configuration file
# These parameters will only apply after running update-initramfs.


1280x800 is the proper resolution for my monitor. Previously the /etc/usplash.conf resolution was 1024x768, which resulted in an oddly stretched splash screen.

However, even with usplash set to that 1280x800 and update-initramfs being properly updated, the splash screen is now off-center and oddly distorted. I set it back to 1024x768, as it's at less distorted.