Comment 14 for bug 933566

Revision history for this message
Thomas Hood (jdthood) wrote :

I wrote above in #7:
> If we can't get Upstart fixed in an acceptable time frame then
> I'd propose a different workaround. Create a resolvconf-stop
> Upstart job that *starts* on runlevel [06] and that disables
> updates in its pre-start.

I have been re-reading the Upstart documentation and although the other solution (of continuing to treat resolvconf itself as an Upstart service job but changing the exit codes of "/sbin/resolvconf --enable-updates") has been adopted and works, I am now in a position to re-describe my alternative, quoted above, using Upstart terminology. The alternative is, namely, to replace the service job with a "resolvconf-initialize" task job and a "resolvconf-finalize" task job. The alternative is closer to how things work in Debian where resolvconf has scripts that run only in runlevels S and 06, and has the advantage that Upstart doesn't have to track resolvconf's enabledness (= presence of flag file /run/resolvconf/enable-updates) with its own concept of startedness --- with the risk of being wrong.