Comment 15 for bug 839595

Revision history for this message
Leo Milano (lmilano) wrote :

I will try to dig in a bit. My X clearly doesn't start until the penalty 120 secs expire, so I'd like to understand why, since for what you are saying this shouldn't be the case (and there is, indeed, a kdm.conf in /etc/init).

In the meantime: I use KDE, with KDM set to autologin to a user account. In that user account, I run the script I show below (in .kde/Autostart/). It basically runs an xterm, and then records the time since boot started. It gives me a measure of the time from cold boot into a usable desktop.

I will play a bit with lightdm, and will also try disabling autologin in KDM.

-- Leo

# 2009, Leo Milano
# Credits:

# Customize this if needed

# A trick to make sure the script doesn't run this xterm in the background,
# we want the window to popup before we go on with the script
# Choose one of the dummy commands below
dummy=`xterm -e echo hi`

boot_time=`perl -ne 'print scalar $1 if /^btime (\d+)/' /proc/stat`
this_time=`date +%s`
let elapsed_time=this_time-boot_time

echo `date`. Boot Time [s]: ${elapsed_time} >> ${log_file}