Comment 38 for bug 543506

Revision history for this message
Laurent Van Basselaere (lvanbass) wrote :

First boot of the morning: apache2 not started

lvanbass@navets:~$ runlevel

lvanbass@navets:~$ cat /var/log/boot.log
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
/dev/sda1: clean, 182097/915712 files, 980283/3661824 blocks
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
/dev/sda6: clean, 85816/1917600 files, 3940320/7670272 blocks

lvanbass@navets:~$ initctl list
alsa-mixer-save stop/waiting
avahi-daemon start/running, process 787
mountall-net stop/waiting
rc stop/waiting
rsyslog start/running, process 758
tty4 stop/waiting
udev start/running, process 325
upstart-udev-bridge start/running, process 323
ureadahead-other stop/waiting
apport stop/waiting
console-setup stop/waiting
hwclock-save stop/waiting
irqbalance stop/waiting
plymouth-log stop/waiting
tty5 stop/waiting
atd stop/waiting
dbus start/running, process 773
failsafe-x stop/waiting
plymouth stop/waiting
control-alt-delete stop/waiting
hwclock stop/waiting
network-manager start/running, process 782
module-init-tools stop/waiting
cron stop/waiting
gdm start/running, process 778
mountall stop/waiting
acpid stop/waiting
plymouth-stop stop/waiting
rcS stop/waiting
ufw start/running
mounted-varrun stop/waiting
rc-sysinit stop/waiting
anacron stop/waiting
tty2 stop/waiting
udevtrigger stop/waiting
mounted-dev stop/waiting
tty3 stop/waiting
udev-finish stop/waiting
hostname stop/waiting
mountall-reboot stop/waiting
mountall-shell stop/waiting
mounted-tmp stop/waiting
network-interface (lo) start/running
network-interface (eth0) start/running
network-interface (wlan0) start/running
plymouth-splash stop/waiting
tty1 stop/waiting
udevmonitor stop/waiting
dmesg stop/waiting
network-interface-security start/running
networking stop/waiting
procps stop/waiting
tty6 stop/waiting
ureadahead stop/waiting