Comment 9 for bug 451917

Revision history for this message
Scott James Remnant (Canonical) (canonical-scott) wrote : Re: [Bug 451917] Re: assert failure: Unhandled error from job_process_spawn (or similar)

On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 20:27 +0000, Jens Askengren wrote:

> If the service happens to be gdm, which is set to respawn in ubuntu
> 9.10, your system will be a flickering mess with a console that´s
> unusable because of gdm constantly respawning.
Should not be - this is after the error is returned to Upstart, so
Upstart should not respawn the process.

> The old init system used to disable services that respawned to fast. Can
> upstart detect this situation and do something smart?
Upstart has respawn limiting

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen? Are you going round the twist?