Comment 2 for bug 1435492

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Johannes Mueller (johmue) wrote : Re: Xsession crash after login (fix for #678421 breaks)

When I was young I've been taught that the sbin dirs are not supposed to be in the user's $PATH, but only in the superuser's. (the "s" in /sbin stands for "superuser"). Usually in the sbin dirs are only tools you need for sysadmin tasks. So it is a good idea not to have it in the $PATH of an ordinary user.

I also doubt a little bit about changing /etc/skel/.profile as this would only affect new added users. All the already existing user accounts have their ~/.profile in their $HOME. That wouldn't be affected by changing /etc/skel/.profile

A solution I just tested is to unset BASH_VERSION in /usr/sbin/lightdm-session. Then standard ~/.profile wouldn't source .bashrc. I don't know if this has side effect though.