Comment 7 for bug 1827644

Revision history for this message
Yayai (yayai) wrote :

Been trying for days to 'fix' the battery status, 9.7 hours to full? think ubuntu is on crack

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_AC
  native-path: AC
  power supply: yes
  updated: Tue 29 Oct 2019 09:06:08 PM +08 (4275 seconds ago)
  has history: no
  has statistics: no
    warning-level: none
    online: yes
    icon-name: 'ac-adapter-symbolic'

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0
  native-path: BAT0
  vendor: Hewlett-Packard
  model: Primary
  serial: 15305 03/10/2016
  power supply: yes
  updated: Tue 29 Oct 2019 10:16:20 PM +08 (63 seconds ago)
  has history: yes
  has statistics: yes
    present: yes
    rechargeable: yes
    state: charging
    warning-level: none
    energy: 20.9218 Wh
    energy-empty: 0 Wh
    energy-full: 24.3382 Wh
    energy-full-design: 17.8996 Wh
    energy-rate: 0.3504 W
    voltage: 16.004 V
    time to full: 9.7 hours
    percentage: 100%
    capacity: 100%
    technology: lithium-ion
    icon-name: 'battery-full-charging-symbolic'

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/DisplayDevice
  power supply: yes
  updated: Tue 29 Oct 2019 09:44:19 PM +08 (1984 seconds ago)
  has history: no
  has statistics: no
    present: yes
    state: charging
    warning-level: none
    energy: 20.9218 Wh
    energy-full: 24.3382 Wh
    energy-rate: 0.3504 W
    time to full: 9.7 hours
    percentage: 100%
    icon-name: 'battery-full-charging-symbolic'

  daemon-version: 0.99.7
  on-battery: no
  lid-is-closed: no
  lid-is-present: yes
  critical-action: HybridSleep