Comment 0 for bug 2055728

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

I understand that, when informing me about notifications, update-notifier will tell me about Pro-only updates that I cannot receive unless I subscribe to Pro.

Actual behaviour: However, I am also receiving notifications that tell me about Pro-only updates when I am not subscribed to Pro and there are no other updates I can receive.

Expected behaviour: if I have taken a decision not to subscribe to Pro, then while I can expect to be told about Pro updates that I can subscribe to while being told about other updates, I do not expect to receive "Pro only" notifications with no other information.

Screenshot attached.

See also:

I suggest the following rule of thumb: we should never generate a *new* notification that displays only Pro updates unless the user has opted in to Pro. In other words, notices about Pro can "piggy-back" on existing notifications that would have happened anyway, but must not add any more.