Comment 21 for bug 1033226

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Fjodor (sune-molgaard) wrote :

Mathhew: Would it be reasonable for me to assume, then, that you will quit the nagging if you, somehow, magically, detect that I run Ksplice?

Regardless, a very valuable part of security assessment is possible attack vectors, and I'd be hard pressed to agree that prompting me to restart my private, NAT'ed, desktop machine because of an obscure glibc privilege escalation bug that requires physical access to the machine is the best way to go about these sort of things.

As Stefan, below, points out, there are a number of very good reasons, usability-wise, to forgo an immediate reboot, and if the best you can come up with in defense is what you just wrote, I do believe Microsoft has a few positions open still, if a desire to force the end-user's hand just happens to be you're particular fetish... If this is the case, this sort of forcing might even be in order on that particular platform, so how could you lose?

Apologizing in advance for my above comment, I'd like to state, more diplomatically, that your case for immediate reboots is weak, and your insistence on them - to the effect of forcing them upon the users who don't happen to know of 'ps ax|grep update-manager' and a subsequent kill is exactly the thing that we *don't* need if we are ever to gain any significant market share in the Desktop segment.