Comment 0 for bug 222053

Revision history for this message
papukaija (papukaija) wrote :

Binary package hint: update-manager

I was upgrading my Ubuntu 7.10 (completely updated) to Hardy.
   The preparation and the download of packeges went ok.
When the system started to install/update/remowe packages, I got many, atleast 20 notification like "package x couldn't be installed. The upgrde continues,but the package x may be unworking." Some of these packages were perl,login,xfailsafedialog, lib-wwwperlpasswd and sudo.

Also the system asked twice if I want to overwrite or keep a configuration file. These files were edited by me.
   But then I got an notification (see attachement) that the upgrade was stopped (installArchives()failed ). As you can see, part of this attachement is in Finnish, but it says that the upgrade was stopped and that the dpkg --configure -a was run.

 From the embeded terminal I could see (it's not visible on the attachement) that the last text was something like that:
"/etc/readahead/boot configuration file is changed
--> You have the following choices...", but I didn't see any dialog to choose the overwrite/keeping of the original file as in the 2 previvous time.

Then nothing happened, so I rebooted my system and the booting to login screen failed. I had to boot to recovery mode and run these commands:
dpkg --reconfigure -a, dpkg --reconfigure --force all -a, aptide dist-upgrade. The last command seemed to complete the upgrade as I could boot to Hardy after reboot.