Comment 5 for bug 193879

Revision history for this message
pokkets (pokkets1) wrote :

I just got another partial upgrade notification
5 packages were listed, and one could not be installed
kaffeine0.8.5 to-0ubuntu1 to 0.8.6-ubuntu3~gutsy1
I went to synaptic and found the package I had and tried the upgrade from there. It said
kaffeine-xine and ichthux desktop would be removed. There has been conflict between ichthux-desktop, and kde before.
This was in google.
Bug #151601 in ichthux-meta (Ubuntu): ags: gutsy
Ichthux-desktop currently requires xkeyboard-config which is a transitional package, and thus no longer needed. Please remove xkeyboard-config from the requirements for ichthux-desktop.
 Ralph Janke wrote on 2007-12-28: (permalink)
Confirmed on gutsy
 Ralph Janke wrote on 2007-12-28: (permalink)
Will be fixed in hardy
It may be one the sources of the problem,
I keep finding there always seems to be more to it. suppose thats bugs