Comment 14 for bug 193879

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pokkets (pokkets1) wrote :

I am curious about an upgrade which failed which I continued in bug 197199 regarding the update-manager -d which I continued in another bug because it was a distro upgrade from gutsy to hardy.
This bug was said to be invalid because the distro I am using is Ubuntu Ultimate. As far as I can work out The upgrade was from gutsy to hardy, it was not an ultimate, upgrade. As far as I know one does not exist yet. I want to try and work the problem out because ubuntu update-manager will have a hardy distro upgrade in april, and I want to try and solve the entire problem before then. The Ultimate system seems to be a Ubuntu base, with packages added most of which are available in synaptic. The upgrade seems to have failed because the apparmor would not install cupsys, so there were associated dependency problems which were also ubuntu related. The Hardy system that 'failed is on USB, and there were problems loading wireless which I have not solved yet but seemed to be a problem with ndiswrapper.
Is apparmor necessary ? I know there is SELinux but I don't know enough about linux and ubuntu to configure it. I discovered this in bug 195661 which was also about a apparmour/cupsys upgrade failure filed by christer edwards, but it is listed as a cupsys bug.
I know when some universe and backport packages are added they can cause instability, The prime examples on my system have been ichthux, and Envy. Envy had a hardware problem no ati or nvidia card. Can packages that cause instability be identified before an upgrade is done? When I update-manager -d update-manager said my system was up to date. The USB upgrade has since upgraded to the hardy Alpha 6 kernel 2.6.24-11-generic which I managed with ethernet. cupsys still failed to configure, and crashed. I just got some new CDs so I'm going to burn a copy of hardy alpha 6 and install that. Maybe I can just do a kernel/apparmor/cupsys transplant. Perhaps that would be like giving it a brain transplant. While I may be learning the 'hard way' what I learn usually leads to another program entirely.
I figure with the number of people turning to Ubuntu there are bound to be some weird bugs submitted by people only just introduced linux and ubuntu. Perhaps some of what I write can nip some of them in the bug.