Comment 20 for bug 146943

Revision history for this message
Deepak Sarda (antrix) wrote :

I think I've been affected by this problem too. Now I'm half through upgrading Kubuntu to Gutsy and am stuck because none of the dpkg stuff works. Based on suggestions above, I tried 'apt-get install python-apt' but it said 'E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.'

So I ran 'dpkg --configure -a' but I get this error:

dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0003' near line 2 package `libc6':
 `triggers-pendi' is not allowed for third (status) word in `status' field

I understand from the above comments that a new python-apt makes dpkg understand the triggers field. But how do I install this new python-apt since installing anything needs me to run 'dpkg --configure'. Seems to me that I'm stuck in a chicken-and-egg situation :(

I tried restarting the update but it couldn't get a lock on the package db. Is it okay to delete the stuff in /var/lib/dpkg/updates/* and resume the upgrade?
Any suggestions appreciated.