Comment 6 for bug 1332543

Revision history for this message
Mike Miller (akf-mike-nw2) wrote :

Ok, it did not even require a full system restart. I was able to ssh in to my box (and close out VNC client) and then all I did was restart my GUI (for xUbuntu 14.04 trusty is LightDM (kicks Unity's ass by the way I swear by xUbuntu and will not use Ubntu and Unity (just a side note anyways back to it). From SSH session all I did was issue sudo service lgihtdm restart and viola after it restarted and I logged back in Software Updater GUI is opening as it should again.

Keep in mind if you go to try this you CAN NOT do it from your desktop with a terminal emulator. If you do not use SSH then you can hit I think it's the ctrl+alt+F keys (ie F1 - F8) it could be just ctrl+F key and that should drop you to a text only login screen. From there just login with your user and password and when you get the $ prompt then just use:

sudo service lightdm restart

(or you could prolly fill in whatever it maybe that runs unity).

If you have xUbuntu the Lightdm restart will work for you, you can stop here, below is further info on restarting Unity for those with Ubuntu...

Now I have googled around and found the following.. Ubuntu itself looks like sudo service lightdm restart may work. If not try one of the following:
After getting past text only login:

killall unity-panel-service

and if it does not restart on it's own to start it run:


If it's the 2d version you are running then use:

killall unity-2d-panel

Some have said in 14.04 that the above unity-panel stuff may not work, but the following does:

kill -9 $(pgrep unity-panel-ser); compiz --replace
