Comment 0 for bug 1297137

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

update-manager 1:0.196.7, Ubuntu Trusty

1. Launch Software Updater.
2. Begin the installation of updates.
3. While updates are being installed, close the window.

What happens: The window closes, but updates continue installing. This is confusing, because it means you can't tell when the updates have finished, or why your computer is still running slower than usual. And it means you won't be prompted to restart if necessary at the end.

(If you try to undo your mistake by reopening Software Updater, it appears as only a title bar, bug 1297132.)

What should happen: Like any dialog or progress window, Software Updater should not have a close button in the first place. Exiting is handled by more explicit buttons, depending on the situation ("OK", "Cancel", "Remind Me Later", "Restart Later").

Fixing this bug would also fix bug 1251623.