Comment 4 for bug 1241684

Revision history for this message
D. Hugh Redelmeier (hugh-mimosa) wrote :

I think I hit this too.

Very puzzling because I first I used the GUI without invoking it from a terminal. It worked for a while and then silently went away. Not even an oil slick.

When I invoked it from a terminal (sudo update-manager -d) it had this "Signal 0" message (which makes no sense to me since there is no signal 0 -- signals start at 1).

This was enough for me to google and get here. But no solution was presented here, so I went to <> (thanks Kelly).

From there I learned that the proprietary nVidia driver was the trigger for the problem. I searched in vain for a GUI tool to switch back to Nouveau (there used to be one in Settings: Hardware, but no more -- pity!). I tried the canned apt-get commands but they didn't work.

What appears to be working is using the command "do-release-upgrade". Thanks to <> for mentioning this in 1203534

Unfortunately, because do-release-upgrade is working (as I type this), I cannot go back and capture precise information about the "sudo update-manager -d" failure.