Comment 2 for bug 1086548

Revision history for this message
James Troup (elmo) wrote :

FWIW, I worked around this by manually deleting the NSS based group
from /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride.

Adam tells me the inverted libc6/libc-bin dependency has been fixed in
raring. He's understandably queasy about doing that kind of a change
as an SRU. Other ways this could be fixed/worked around is by having
the release upgrader check for statoverrides that use non-local users
or groups and deleting them (temporarily?). Or perhaps
dpkg-statoverride itself should be fixed to not consider this
particular case terminal.

This is the first time I've run into such a case and I realise it's
not necessarily going to be a comon one, so if the consensus is that
this is not worth fixing, that's also OK by me. (I've already updated
our LTS upgrade instructions with a workaround.)