Comment 4 for bug 1020448

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Andrei (andrei-doom) wrote :

Ok, that's it. Installing Windows. That was the last straw of stupidity that I can take from this half-baked development system. As much as I hate Windows, at least they haven't pushed an update to the users that brakes THE ACTUAL FUCKING UPDATER, THUS BLOCKING all possible updates THAT CAN UNDO THIS WHOLE SHIT STORM.

And no, don't even get me started with "It's an Alpha, what do you expect ?" Nah man, fuck you. I expect glitches and shit, but not updates that break the whole fucking system requiring a complete re-install. And even if there's a workaround, that's not the point. You're still not getting it. The whole system is fucked up. This is way too open to work decent enough. Its effectiveness is == 0. Hell, < 0.