Comment 0 for bug 1578601

Revision history for this message
Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„ (popey) wrote : Crash when choosing "yes" to some popups when locked

Every so often I get a popup on my krillin rc proposed telling me my google account credentials have expired, and asking me if I want to fix it. I usually click "no" because I'll do it later. Today i clicked "yes" while my phone was locked. Unity8 crashed.

Have your phone configured to sync calendars
Let your credentials become stale / expire
Eventually when sync-monitor is checking for calendar entries it will popup a notification which asks if you want to fix the issue.
Select "no" and it goes away - don't do this.
Select "yes"

Expected behaviour:-

It should ask you to unlock the phone and then take you to system settings

Actual behaviour:-

Unity8 dies.

Crash file attached.