Comment 1 for bug 1520548

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Nick Dedekind (nick-dedekind) wrote :

The UI is stuck in a "waiting for server" state. We are using a live slider, and constantly sending updates to the server. And since the server stops responding to our requests (doesn't set the value to above 75% until we let it) we stick in this state for a timeout (up to 30 seconds), after which we will reset to the server state.

So we do eventually end up in the correct value, but it takes time.

This is because if we responded directly to every server change, the UI would be unusable (slider would bob/stutter about as we drag it). We can't do much about the server silently rejecting change requests other than re-syncing the server value after a time.

That being said, I've had a bit of a thought.
We basically need some feedback from the server to cause a "reset to server value". Could we add an action to the backend for this? Think of it like a "in-sync number". If we detect an increment to the sync number, we re-sync to the server value. The backend could increment the action value after the user decision on the snap decision.