Comment 29 for bug 1430828

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

On a hunch I did some experimenting. Right now I have two wifi networks. One doesn't work - you can associate, authenticate with WPA, but will not get DHCP as it is not actually connected to anything. The other works as normal. My phone was configured to either.

If my phone boots and chooses to connect to the network that doesn't work, images in scopes will be forever broken, even if I do then switch to the network that does work. So when ogra asked me in IRC if my network was working, I said yes as I had switched to the network that was working.

So, steps to reproduce:

1. Turn off DHCP and remove connectivity from your router.
2. Reboot the phone.

Expected behaviour: apps in the Apps scope have icons, but otherwise Internet scopes are not expected to work.

Actual behaviour: apps in the Apps scope do not have icons.

3. Connect the phone to a wi-fi network that does work.

Expected behaviour: on refresh, all scopes work as normal, and no icons are missing.

Actual behaviour: on refresh, all scopes work as normal but all icons are still missing. Apps scope icons continue to be missing.

Workaround: I "forget" the wi-fi network that doesn't work and reboot. This caused the phone to connect to the working network on boot, and everything worked.

This is with image r21 on an Aquaris.