Comment 0 for bug 1421009

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Francis Ginther (fginther) wrote : unity8 sometimes fails to respond to com.canonical.UnityGreeter IsActive

The following gdbus call is failing with a "Error: Timeout was reached" message:

gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.UnityGreeter --object-path / --method org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get com.canonical.UnityGreeter IsActive

This is being seen on krillin devices starting with image 106 from ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed. It doesn't happen every time, so far today, I've seen it 3 times from about 12 tests. On the most recent failure, I grabbed a console and tried repeatedly to run the command from the shell, even after 2 hours the timeout was still being returned (after about 28 seconds).

A copy of ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log is here:

I have 3 test cases where the problem was observed:

In all cases, the test is using adt-run (from autopkgtest) to drive a test on the phone device. adt-run uses the above gdbus call to determine if the desktop is active. In all the examples, the device was freshly flashed.