Comment 50 for bug 930148

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Aleve Sicofante (sicofante) wrote :

"Yes, I'm listening and reasoning. This has been debated extensively on the unity-design list. You can find the rationale from me there."
Still, your rationale can't answer the very logical and simple reasons given here.

"even decisions that are carefully taken will have folk who disagree."
"Folk" here isn't just disagreeing or posting "opinions". We have posted very solid reasons. You haven't replied to them whatsoever.

"It is not possible to please everybody all the time,"
It's so easy to please everybody in this case it's not even funny explaining it again (hint: your default, our option).

"even those who are generally supportive of what we're doing, or contributors, will disagree with some bits."
Again: this is not disagreement. It's not "I like it this way and you like it another". You simply can't point to a single reason why intellihide can't be an option. The very fact we're here asking for some logic should give you a hint about our "supportiveness".

"The issue has been settled"
I see. Just to be sure: Is this like when you decided to move the window buttons to the left without giving any reasons to your perplexed users?

", and if you care enough about it, you'll find the rationale and be satisfied that at least it was considered and experimented with and decided against. "
I care enough to come here and support this bug. I'm still waiting for your listening and reasoning. In no way an option for intellihide has been considered and experimented with. A more complicated version -dodge- was there by default and all you have concluded is that it shouldn't be like that. At the risk of repeating myself: no reason why it can't live in the Unity options is being given.

"This was one of my favourite features too, but I believe taking it out makes the whole better."
Not to sound offensive but it couldn't be less relevant what you "believe". It's about having solid reasons, not beliefs. Still no reasoning, I'm afraid.

"I will never convince all of you."
Not if you come here just to tease your users, no. If, instead, you are able to explain why not having an option for intellihide, you might actually convince us. Hard -because it defeats logic- but not impossible. So far, however, we haven't seen our reasons replied properly by you or any representative of the design team. I understand it's very hard to argue why a simple option isn't being given to the users. The point is you can't come with ONE SINGLE REASON why not having a simple switch for intellihide "makes the whole better".

"So I'm just going to tease those of you who want to start this discussion again from step 1.0."
Have fun. Lack of respect for your users is the sure way to reach 200 million of them... Good luck.