Comment 122 for bug 930148

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Ego (egogratis) wrote :


If script would be implemented in third party "tweak tool" then before that multi screen support should be implemented.

Next natural step would be implementing something like this inside Unity. Script is more like "proof of concept" and something that can be tested in real world on how exactly this idea would work. I use the script and i can't imagine i would not be able to use Unity like this anymore and that is why i shared my script for other to use. But i don't think it's optimal solution.

-Probably detection of maximized windows could be done differently.
-Somebody with experience in Unity/Compiz development could implement something like this to be "bulletproof" in all scenarios not just Single Screen / Multi Workspaces.
-Moving the icons on desktop and produced "flickering" is not optimal. Icons should not change position but i can't control that with my script. In past Unity 2D used "strut" but it does not anymore and in Unity 3D it would not work anyway. Icons on the desktop should always stay in "newer hide" mode.
-There is one question on how should windows behave when launcher hides/shows. I think they could behave exactly the same as they do in "never hide" mode. User could manually move the window inside launcher area when launcher is hidden but when using "aero snap" and other Compiz windows alignment features they should respect "never hide" mode.

This would probably take away a lot of complexity in the code and "flickering" of resized windows too and it makes sense too. If u maximize at least one window then there isn't much sense in "tiling windows" in front of it. But if developers don't have much troubles in implementing different behavior then sure why not.

There always is another (tiny) fact. Users actually would like to use this mode and i do believe users want something like this by default. And of course old "Dodge Behavior" would work too.

I am willing to help further but ATM i don't have necessary skills to make anything beyond this script. I see the script has got some "media attention" and maybe i can trade "some fame" for "some love" from somebody making this happen inside Unity. Imagine the one that pulls this off well be famous! :D