Comment 30 for bug 880876

Revision history for this message
Dominik Wujastyk (wujastyk) wrote :

On 28 December 2011, I wrote to Mark Shuttleworth about this bug. I noted that since Oneiric, Asian language users cannot type. It's a crazy situation. I said this bug should be very highly prioritized, or else the Precise release should be documented as not being for use by Asian users. I referred to this site,
as the main bug report.

I got this reply from his secretary Claire Newman on 9 Jan 2012 saying,

  Dear Dominik,
  Thank you for your email to Mark regarding the problem with IBus in Ubuntu.
  It is extremely useful feedback which I have passed on to the relevant people in Canonical who will help to rectify the issue.
  Thank you for your support and for letting us know of the problem and happy new year.
  Kind regards,

Now, I *know* this isn't the proper route for getting things fixed in Linux. It's all launchpad/git/bug reports/collaboration, etc. But like David Gómez, I think this problem is very important indeed. Critical. Whoever heard of an operating system where ordinary users can't type properly? It's crazy. And I think it has the potential to blow up in Ubuntu's face. If reviewers get hold of this issue and start posting widely on the net that it has not been possible to type Asian languages for four months or more, it could look very bad for the whole Ubuntu enterprise.

If what Claire Newman says is true, then I hope that in addition to our bottom-up efforts to move things along, there may be a top-down effort too. If they took my email seriously.
