Comment 1 for bug 878156

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Ben Linsey-Bloom (ben-kitserve) wrote :

After resetting all values to default in dconf-editor > desktop > unity > launcher I rebooted. The problem still remains for me.

To recreate the bug:
1. Remove all Libre Office icons from unity launcher.
2. Open Dash and search for LibreOffice.
3. Launch the 'LibreOffice' entry rather than one of its apps like 'Calc' or 'Writer'.

The LibreOffice quickstart window will open, but there will be no icon in the Unity launcher. Even when you launch one of the apps (like Writer etc.) from this quickstart window a launcher icon does not appear.

Sometimes when I open a file from Nautilus (eg. double click an .odt or .doc file) the problem also occurs (but not always).

However When I launch an app like Calc or Writer directly from the Dash an icon correctly appears in the launcher.