Comment 5 for bug 797168

Revision history for this message
Andrew Green (andyg54321) wrote :

Woke up this morning and my computer was doing this. Like the original poster everything normally works fine.

Pressing the <super> key popped up the search box and cleared up the search box misbehavior.

The Unity Bar remains broken. If I move the mouse pointer slowly over the Unity bar tool tips will pop up for the icons that should be there, but the mouse pointer is way lower than what it should be and the tips appear displaced up from the cursor by several hundred pixels, but still lower than normal I think. Right-clicking while the tool tip is visible brings up the normal UB menu. Holding the left button while the tool tip was present displayed the icon under the cursor ready for repositioning as normal. No other icons were visible to reposition against and letting go the icon disappeared. Repeating the moving process with another icon the first icon became visible at the top of the bar and the two would interact normally, although appeared ghostly. These two icons now respond normally (in terms of mouse -> tool tip -> menu and grabbing positions). Other tool tips continue to appear in offset lower positions.

I'm running the 64-bit version of Ubuntu. I'll leave my computer in this state for awhile so please let me know of you need more info. I'll attach screenshots.

In the second screenshot the bottom question mark icon does not interact, but the top two do, they are the ones I rearranged.