Comment 2 for bug 1756585

Revision history for this message
Dieter Maurer (d.maurer) wrote :

Downgrading of the above packages from "xenial-updates" to "xenial" has not solved the problem. Further analysis is for the "xenial-updates" versions.

At the beginning of the "unity session", "top" reveals a very high CPU (and disk) usage by "dconf-service". Apparently, it is used by "compiz-config-profile-setter unity". Today's trials ended with an "unexpected termination" of this program. Starting it "by hand" gives:

./compiz-config-profile-setter unity
compizconfig - Info: Backend : gsettings
compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
compizconfig - Info: Profile : unity-lowgfx

(process:6560): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: g_settings_set_value: value for key 'visual-bell-type' in schema 'org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences' is outside of valid range
Switched to profile 'unity' (for environment 'ubuntu')
compizconfig - Info: Backend : gsettings
compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
compizconfig - Info: Profile : unity
compizconfig - Error: Unable to find interface type 3 on 0x82e6408
This is either a programmer error or more than one static library
defining this interface has been linked in
Unable to continue, please file a bug about this
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