Comment 0 for bug 1602046

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austint30 (austinthibodeaux) wrote :

I AM USING UNITY TWEAK TOOL that enabled the Window Spread feature to activate with hot corners. It worked fine for about a week until the Window Spread started having issues. Some windows appeared as tiny thumbnails about only 10 pixels wide and tall. I turned off Window Spread in the Unity Tweak tool and turned it back on. Now Window Spread doesn't work at all. Instead it causes this glitchfest with all of the windows disappearing, some visual glitches occur, then the windows reappear. Restarting Ubuntu does not fix the bug. Also I just removed the Unity Tweak Tool with Ubuntu Software. After the removal process, Ubuntu Software still thinks that the Unity Tweak Tool is still installed.

Ubuntu Version: 16.04
Package: Unity Tweak Tool, possibly Unity 7 itself