Comment 0 for bug 1575452

Revision history for this message
Ben High (explodingkittens) wrote : Copy/move dialog cannot be switched to

When copying or moving a large file, Nautilus opens a window with the progress of the operation. If the user were to pull a larger window forward, that dialog cannot be accessed through Alt+tab or the Unity bar. The user would have to move the obscuring window out of the way in order to pull the progress dialog forward.

How to recreate:
1. Copy or move a large file. I recommend copying or moving to or from an SD card, USB key, or network device because they tend to be much slower than the local hard disk.
2. When the copy or move progress dialog appears, move a larger or maximized window over the dialog so it is obscured. Alternately, just click a different window to select it.
3. Click the Nautilus icon in the Unity bar, or press Alt+tab.

Expected behavior: The copy/move dialog will be brought to the front.
Actual behavior: The last used normal (non-dialog) Nautilus window will be brought to the front.
Frequency: Every time.

Nautilus version:
Ubuntu version: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Linux kernel version: 4.4.0-21-generic
Architecture: x86_64