Comment 79 for bug 1295267

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James Hill (jmsjms) wrote :

Getting the bug here too. 16.04

David's post #59 was very helpful to me

I think he's figured it out (at least for our setup). My problem seems to be that when I press the suspend button, one of my screens goes to sleep before the rest of the system, forcing the windows to move to the non sleeping screen. When I wake up, both monitors wake up, but the windows don't move back to the second screen.

I've found a workaround by disabling dpms using "xset -dpms". It's not the best solution, but when I leave my PC I turn off my screens & speakers at the wall anyway.

I also found a workaround was using VGA instead of HDMI with one of the screens (doesn't work with the other screen), but VGA didn't look great, so I wasn't happy with that.

It seems to me like there are two ways to fix this bug.

#1 detect the bad screen behaviour, and put the windows back on the correct screen. For example, if one monitor gets "removed", then the system goes to sleep a few seconds later, then the system wakes up and both monitors are there, then you know that was bad behaviour and can work around it.

#2 Find a way to not inform the monitors that the PC is going into sleep mode. If they don't attempt to sleep before the PC goes into hibernate mode, that seems like it should work (basically a more sophisticated version of my xset -dpms solution).