Comment 0 for bug 1172821

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Tarek (tarek-said-info) wrote :

System: Intel® Core™ i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz × 4, 3,8 GiB RAM
OS: Ubuntu 13.04 64 bits
Unity: 7.0.0daily13.04.18~13.04-0ubuntu1

Given that I launch an app with wine that has a systray icon
When that app opens
Then I should see the systray icon displayed in the App Indicator
But the icon is not displayed
And I can only see the icon when I open the Workspace switcher (Alt+s)
Or while switching workspaces (ctrl+alt+arrow)

Since Wine nor Unity crash, I couldn't find any log or useful debug info on the problem.

It used to work in 12.10, so I think the problem is related to the recent removal of system tray support ( Yet, as I understand, Wine apps are whitelisted. Maybe the problem is that Unity is not recognizing the app as being launched by Wine?