Comment 0 for bug 1075390

Revision history for this message
Tim Chen (timchen119) wrote :

Multi-monitor - Launch Bar is lost on "Mirror Mode" after connect the HDMI/VGA monitor to restart or switch displays mode.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Connect to HDMI/VGA monitor,
2. switch display mode
3. Find launch bar is lost on "Mirror mode".

There's launch bar exists in monitors.

There's no launch bar exists in internal monitor and external monitor.

due to:
there's a switch_monitor script to help switch the mode


# call gnome-settings-dameon xrandr plugin for handing video mode switch
# the only parameter is timestamp, I use 0 here because g-s-d ignore it anyway.

dbus-send --session --print-reply \
  --dest=org.gnome.SettingsDaemon \
  /org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/XRANDR \
  org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR_2.VideoModeSwitch int64:0