Comment 1 for bug 1568849

Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :


Thanks for reporting this!

Can you test this:
* In Holidays child scope Settings, ensure location data is enabled
* In Today scope Settings, disable all child scopes except Holidays and ensure location is enabled
* Refresh Today many many times.

You should *always* see holidays scope with holidays data. If you do not see holidays data, can you please attach this file to this bug:

Note: By design, when location data is disabled, the Holidays child scope does not provide data and so it does not display in the Today scope (although it does display a message saying location data is needed when viewing the Holidays child scope itself). This seems sensible because holiday data is fundamentally based on the user's location. If we displayed (cached) holidays data when the user had location data off, it could be incorrect for example if the user traveled.