Comment 1 for bug 1568625

Revision history for this message
Natalia Bidart (nataliabidart) wrote :


The package index is properly returning the package when requesting the department, given you pass the framework is required by this package in its v3.0 version:

nessita@miro:~$ curl -H 'X-Ubuntu-Frameworks: ubuntu-sdk-15.04' | json_reformat | grep -C 5 Esquerda

                "publisher": "António Lima",
                "ratings_average": 0.0,
                "name": "esquerdanet.amrlima",
                "title": "Esquerda.Net Scope",
                "icon_url": "",
                "price": 0.0,
                "sequence": 4,
                "content": "scope",

So the request tried here may not be passing the adequate framework header in the department search query. Closing as invalid in the index.