Comment 12 for bug 1563007

Revision history for this message
Selene ToyKeeper (toykeeper) wrote :

I tried to determine when this started happening.

* krillin rc-proposed 270 (2016-03-01): works.
* arale rc-proposed 270 (2016-03-15.1): works.
* krillin rc-proposed 285 (2016-03-17.1): works.
* arale rc-proposed 280 (2016-03-22.0): the app 'install' button appears to do nothing at all, except for making the device vibrate a little.
* arale 286 (2016-03-25): works.
* krillin 293 (2016-03-25): works.
* krillin 294 (2016-03-25): works.
* krillin 295 (2016-03-25): works.
* arale 287 (2016-03-26): it stalled at 0% during install on the first try but there was no crash.
* krillin 296 (2016-03-26): crashed just after U1 login, but worked when I tried on this rev yesterday.
* arale 288 (2016-03-29): crashed just after U1 login.
* arale 289 (2016-03-29): worked (but earlier crashed by simply tapping an app to view details).

My conclusion is that the change was most likely sometime in the past few days, but the behavior isn't consistent. I'm not sure why it sometimes works, sometimes crashes while loading app details, and sometimes crashes after U1 login. Some suspects include:
* unity-scope-click changed from 0.1.1+15.04.20160321-0ubuntu1 to 0.1.1+15.04.20160325-0ubuntu1
* pay-ui changed from 15.10+15.04.20160311-0ubuntu1 to 15.10+15.04.20160324.1-0ubuntu1