Comment 0 for bug 1343280

Revision history for this message
Michal Hruby (mhr3) wrote :

Got this after trying to navigation to the store scope: (wasn't showing any results)

2014-07-17 13:54:42,813 - WARNING - WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread.
RegistryObject::ScopeProcess::exec(): Process for scope: "com.canonical.scopes.clickstore" started
2014-07-17 13:55:06,436 - WARNING - QIODevice::read: device not open
2014-07-17 13:55:06,437 - WARNING - Network error: "Operation canceled (5)"
2014-07-17 13:55:06,438 - WARNING - departments call failed due to network error
2014-07-17 13:55:06,439 - WARNING - bootstrap request failed
scoperunner: /build/buildd/unity-scope-click-0.1+14.10.20140714/scope/clickstore/store-query.cpp:314: virtual void click::Query::add_highlights(const SearchReplyProxy&, const PackageSet&): Assertion `curdep' failed.
RegistryObject::ScopeProcess::on_process_death(): Process for scope: "clickscope" terminated
RegistryObject::ScopeProcess::on_process_death(): Process for scope: "musicaggregator" terminated
RegistryObject::ScopeProcess::on_process_death(): Process for scope: "mediascanner-music" terminated
RegistryObject::ScopeProcess::on_process_death(): Process for scope: "com.canonical.scopes.clickstore" terminated
RegistryObject::ScopeProcess: Scope: "com.canonical.scopes.clickstore" closed unexpectedly. Either the process crashed or was killed forcefully.