Comment 39 for bug 1054282

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Gary Mellor (garyjmellor-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

This is the final nail in Ubuntu's coffin for me. I've been using Ubuntu since Karmic. I think since Unity came in things have got worse. This is a great shame. It seems with this 'solution' that no online lens searches will be possible. How does this fit with Linux being about choice? Why not have this lens as a PPA (or Synaptic package) so that if users want the ads and so forth they 'opt in' and pull it down. Some internet searches are useful but I'll aver the vast majority of Ubuntu's core users do not want 'sell-out' ads appearing on their desktop. Whilst I'm sure it's true that users could download the source and remove this feature if they wished, this is not something that the vast majority of hobbyists or newbie's will be able to do easily. It seems to me that Cananical and Ubuntu are fast becoming Linux's equivalent of Microsoft and Windows: starting to restrict choice and foist what it thinks is best upon the community. It's sad but I have now switched distros. I'm now running Linux Mint Debian 64-bit. If you look at Distro Watch Mint has had the higher page hit ranking for quite some time. Linux Mint allows me to keep my productivity up while Ubuntu seems to hinder me now more than when I first started using Karmic and was getting to know this OS. A newbie coming to Ubuntu now has to figure out how to use the Unity metaphor and HUD further complicates things in my opinion. Lenses are not pretty or functional for me - they simply get in the way. I sincerely hope Ubuntu changes the way it does things and if they fail to do so then I hope the community votes with their feet and abandon it and get another distro on their machines. Ubuntu has dropped the ball and lost its way. It is interesting that in the latest edition of Ubuntu User their was some feedback on Unity - there wasn't much positive about it. Come on Ubuntu, please start listening to the community. To say this isn't going to be fixed is nothing short of disgraceful and I hope this is a dealbreaker for the community. Ubuntu: you ARE going to lose user base over this 'feature' - it is ill-thought out and disrespectful to your users and community to say it won't be fixed. How much more Apple/MS-like can you get - you are treating your users with contempt. I will *not* be installing Ubuntu ever again - even in VBox.