Comment 0 for bug 1192081

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Didier Roche-Tolomelli (didrocks) wrote :

I'm seeing rightly on forums and generally the Internet that 100scopes previews are slow, combined with the fact that we now have the left click showing the preview by default frustrate a lot of users.

On my beefy machine (i7, 8G of rams), the preview for an application takes 3/4s to show, you can't do anything meanwhile as there is no button to launch the application (because you didn't double click, just left click and thought "argh, I should have double click").

Because of this, we are making the 1st landing of 100 scopes experience bad and we should fix it (at least, in that lens) by either preloading the daemon when hovering an app lens result, or when it's the first result (so can be directly triggered by pressing [Enter])