Comment 2 for bug 1365926

Revision history for this message
Eason (qulei) wrote :

I can reproduce this bug with Ubuntu kylin 14.10 daily image 0922.

After create a new account, click the item at the right side of "Password", will pop up a page to change/setting password for new account, in this page, there are 3 types for "Action" item:
1. Set a password now-->Works well
2. Log i without a password-->Works well
3. Enable this account-->If you chose this item and click the “Chang" button, it will show "Account disabled"

1. 创建了新用户后,点击新用户页面 ”密码(P)"右边的选项“账户已禁用”
2. 在弹出的界面中,点击”动作(A)"右边的下拉菜单,有3个选项列出:现在设置密码,不适用密码登陆,启用此账户
3. 选择“启用此账户”,点击更改
-->Failed。 在新用户界面, ”密码(P)"右边显示仍为“账户已禁用”