Comment 4 for bug 1302663

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JaSauders (jasauders) wrote :

It seems as if the final release of 14.04 has fixed this. Either that, or I just magically got lucky on the 4-5 different model systems I'm using 14.04 with.

Before, it seemed like it had a hard coded 1-4 option available in the scaling. If you hit a certain point when scaling up, you would hit the point of no return, where you could not scale down Unity properly (via GUI) and if you tried to ALT + click/hold and drag, Unity would crash. So far I have yet to see that again.

Likewise, it seems as if the system is more intelligent when it comes to the scale. I used to be able to scale this 1366x768 laptop to 4, but now I can only go to 1.38. I have to wonder if the system now detects user environment settings and only offers available options below the problematic threshold.

At any rate, I'm not seeing this issue anymore. Is anybody else?

Thanks for your assistance everybody (anybody reading this, all of our wonderful developers, etc), and thank you Marco for that FYI. Have a good one!