Comment 2 for bug 1745984

Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

The error in your log is:

Configurando update-notifier-common (3.168.7) ...

Fichero de configuración `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic'
 ==> Fichero en el sistema creado por usted o por algún script.
 ==> Fichero también en el paquete.
   ¿Qué quisiera hacer al respecto? Sus opciones son:
    Y o I : instalar la versión del desarrollador del paquete
    N o O : conservar la versión que tiene instalada actualmente
      D : mostrar las diferencias entre versiones
      Z : ejecutar un intérprete de órdenes para examinar la situación
 La acción por omisión es conservar la versión actual.
*** 10periodic (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [por omisión=N] ? dpkg: error al procesar el paquete update-notifier-common (--configure):
 end of file on stdin at conffile prompt

This shows that you have modified a conffile on your system belonging to this package, which means the package manager would have prompted you to know what action to take with the conffile. However, because this was part of an unattended upgrade, there was no possibility for you to provide input, and the installation failed instead.

I'm not sure that this is the wrong behavior in such a case; doing anything other than aborting the upgrade would mean taking action without the user's input. In any case, if we are to do anything different, it must be handled in the unattended-upgrades package, so reassigning.